Way of the Hermit
Way of the Hermit discusses the Western Esoteric Tradition of Freemasonry, mysticism, Hermetic lore and more. E-mail: info@wayofthehermit.com.
Way of the Hermit
S2E9: The Secret Gospel of John - Part 4 of 4
In this episode of Way of the Hermit, David and Gene conclude their deep dive into The Secret Gospel of John, uncovering its profound esoteric teachings on self-awareness, spiritual awakening, and the cosmic struggle between light and darkness.
Picking up where the last episode left off, they explore how the creation of Eve symbolizes a division within Adam’s unified self, representing the separation of conscious and subconscious aspects. This psychic split, orchestrated by the Demiurge, obscures humanity’s divine nature, setting the stage for the journey back to wholeness. Eve, embodying the hidden spark of divinity (the luminous Epinoia), becomes a key figure in awakening Adam to his true nature - a process that mirrors humanity’s longing for self-realization and unity.
The conversation delves into the symbolic narratives of Cain and Abel, representing material desire versus spiritual transience, and Seth, who emerges as a figure of divine recognition and alignment with higher consciousness. David and Gene unpack how these archetypes reflect humanity’s inner struggles and potential for liberation. They also discuss the “fate of souls,” emphasizing how choices influenced by either the Divine Spirit or Counterfeit Spirit determine one’s spiritual trajectory - liberation, imprisonment, or punishment.
Finally, David and Gene examine the redemptive role of the Perfect Pronoia, who descends into darkness to awaken humanity from spiritual slumber. Her three attempts at awakening symbolize stages of moral preparation, philosophical understanding, and spiritual realization, mirroring the Blue Lodge Degrees of Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite.
The episode concludes with an exploration of how Gnostic texts like The Secret Gospel of John serve as seeds (or mental viruses) planted in fertile minds, bearing fruit through shared understanding. So, join us for this thought-provoking conclusion to a discussion of one of history’s most profound spiritual texts.
Deep Dive:
- 01:15 Introduction
- 02:07 Review
- 05:28 Creation of Eve
- 08:16 Adam and Eve
- 11:23 Cain and Abel
- 14:48 Seth
- 17:59 The Fate of Souls
- 20:51 Chain of Fate
- 25:27 Redemption
- 29:30 Conclusions
- The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
- The Apocryphon of John - Frederick Wisse Translation
- Gnosis.org - The Gnosis Archive
- The Red Book: A Reader's Edition by Carl Jung
01:15 Introduction
Gene: Hello Dave.
David: Hello Gene. How are you doin’ today?
Gene: Doin’ good. Ready to finish this up?
David: Yes, I’m ready. We are finishing our discussion of the Secret Gospel of John today. But, as always, I want to remind everyone that Show Notes, Chapter Markers, and Transcripts for all of our episode are available on our website - WayOfTheHermit.com. So, this is part 4 of 4 of our discussion of the Secret Gospel of John.
Gene: It’s been very interesting, and actually, I’m starting to see fragments of the storylines we’re discussing here, everywhere, especially in movies and TV shows.
David: Me, too. I watched “Avengers: Age of Ultron” again, the other day. There are references all through the movie to the Demiurge and the story that this text tells.
Gene: It’s the archetypal story of the internal struggle we all know, and love, and hate.
02:07 Review
David: Yeah. Because it’s the story of our psychic evolution and struggle, it gets projected into everything, the good and the bad, which is why we see it everywhere. But anyway, let’s do a short review here of parts 1 through 3. We’ve covered a lot in the previous three episodes.
Gene: We have. And as we’ve said before, if you really want to follow the discussion - read along with the version of the text linked in the Show Notes, and listen to the first three parts.
David: If you have listened to those three parts, you know that the Secret Gospel of John describes a model of how self-awareness, and self-consciousness evolve from undifferentiated awareness. And it creates a complex and layered psychic framework, that allows for conscious and subconscious control of the physical body, it’s organs and its other parts and it’s movements, so that the body can serve as a vehicle for consciousness.
Gene: And the framework it describes also relates to the world at large. It’s based on the idea that our microcosm, our “little world,” is in a sense, a reflection of the bigger world, the macrocosm, and vice versa - “as above, so below.”
David: With that in mind, all of the processes of consciousness were related to both time and space, with the seasons, the months, the days of the week, and even the 365 days of the year, associated with “angels,” which were understood to be nexus points where conscious control meets physical processes.
Gene: That’s the psychological understanding, but the actual story that is being told is about the Monad, the “source of light,” Barbello, the “first reflection,” and Christ, the Autogenes, or “life”.
David: Those are Will, Thought and Mind, the “Gnostic Trinity," and are said to be in the first world, heaven, the Pleroma.
Gene: Right. And then Sophia, which is an aspect of Barbelo, decides on her own, to have a child. And, she gives birth to a lion-faced serpent, the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth. He creates powers called Archons, in imitation of the divine pattern, that they’ve never seen.
David: This is the second world, the world of angels and demons, the world of the mind, that is part spiritual, or mental, and part material, or physical. In the next part of the story, Sophia repents, and in response to her prayers, the Pleroma grants the Demiurge and Archons a vision of the divine pattern, reflected in the waters above them.
Gene: And they construct Adam according to this pattern, and also, according to their nature. So, he’s darkness and light.
David: This is the third world, the complete materialization of divine consciousness, encased in flesh, the physical world.
Gene: But, hidden within the material form, is a reflection of the Divine Pattern, the “luminous Epinoia,” which is like a hidden light, that if ignited, can illuminate the path out of the prison of the flesh… or at least, to our identification with the body and the material world.
David: Right. And that’s about where we ended last time. With the Demiurge and the Archons realizing that Adam had more light than they did, meaning that he was able to think more clearly than they could.
Gene: And so, the Demiurge, put a spell on Adam. The text says that he caused Adam to forget.
05:28 Creation of Eve
David: And that’s where we start the last part of the text, with John saying - *“And I said to the savior, "What is the forgetfulness?" And he said "It is not the way Moses wrote (and) you heard. For he said in his first book, 'He put him to sleep' (Gn 2:21), but (it was) in his perception. For also he said through the prophet, 'I will make their hearts heavy, that they may not pay attention and may not see' (Is 6:10).”*
Gene: So it’s saying that in the Bible, it says that God put Adam to sleep, but what was meant was that he dulled his perception, so that he wouldn’t pay attention to what he was about to do to him.
David: Right. The Demiurge wants to get the power back that passed out of him into Adam. The text says that - “*Then the Epinoia of the light hid herself in him (Adam). And the chief archon wanted to bring her out of his rib. But the Epinoia of the light cannot be grasped. Although darkness pursued her, it did not catch her. And he brought a part of his power out of him. And he made another creature, in the form of a woman, according to the likeness of the Epinoia which had appeared to him. And he brought the part which he had taken from the power of the man into the female creature, and not as Moses said, 'his rib-bone.'”*
Gene: The word translated into English as “rib” is the Hebrew word צֵלָע (tsela) and the Greek word πλευρά (pleura), both of which really mean “side.”
David: So, he’s dividing Adam, who was described earlier as both male and female, into two separate beings.
Gene: Yes, a kind of “psychic surgery.” Cutting apart the subconscious and conscious, or the anima and the animus, in Jungian psychology, so that they act independently.
David: And this splitting apart, is what makes Adam forget. Part of his power becomes hidden. The Demiurge, or ego, can’t “grasp” it, because it’s beyond its conception, but it still weakens Adam - because, it obscures what he really is, in his totality.
Gene: What we all are.
David: Yeah. It's talking about our normal state of consciousness, ignorant of our true nature.
Gene: Another thing about that quote, it said that Eve was made “according to the likeness of the Epinoia, that had appeared to him.” And also, that the Epinoia “hid herself in Adam.” She’s in the subconscious, or the unconscious, out of view.
David: But, she’s the one who will eventually impart Gnosis to Adam, awakening him to his true nature.
Gene: And, also the process of Gnosis, is presented here as an act of “un-forgetting,” or remembering, our true, undivided nature - what the writer Philip K. Dick referred to as anamnesis.
08:16 Adam and Eve
David: And, in the next part of the text, we see how the Epinoia plants a seed in Adam’s mind, that will eventually be the key to his (and our) illumination. It says that *"(Adam) saw the woman beside him. And in that moment the luminous Epinoia appeared, and she lifted the veil which lay over his mind. And he became sober from the drunkenness of darkness. And he recognized his counter-image, and he said, 'This is indeed bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.' Therefore the man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will both be one flesh.”*
Gene: The Luminous Epinoia grants Adam a vision of his unified Self, the culmination of the “Sacred Marriage.”
David: That’s right. And it becomes the driving force of his life. Because he realizes that Eve is “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” That they are really are two parts of a single creature.
Gene: Again, I’m thinking of Philip K. Dick, who likens it to a feeling of a lost sister or a lost twin, that you need to find and save. In terms of psychic energy, it’s that longing that we all feel that drives us to do… whatever we do.
David: Ultimately, it’s a longing for wholeness, which in the story, is implanted by the encounter with the luminous Epinoia. The next part says - “*I appeared in the form of an eagle on the tree of knowledge, which is the Epinoia from the foreknowledge of the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep. For they were both in a fallen state, and they recognized their nakedness. The Epinoia appeared to them as a light; she awakened their thinking.”*
Gene: So now, she’s appearing to both of them. And by awakening their thinking, they realize that they’re naked. What do you think that means?
David: That animals don’t wear hats.
Gene: What?!
David: I mean, I'm saying that in a funny way, but I'm referring to self-awareness. It’s what makes us different from most animals. We have a self-image that we carry around with us.
Gene: OK. And they’re being given a “bird’s eye” view, so to speak, by the eagle perched on the Tree of Knowledge. In the Bible, it’s the snake and the apple.
David: Yeah, we covered that last time. In the “Secret Gospel of John,” the fruit they were encouraged to eat, was from the “Tree of Life,” which actually breeds death. The eagle, is imparting, like you said, “knowledge from above,” about the true nature of the self.
Gene: So again, the luminous Epinoia, the seed of illumination, is replicating itself, by imparting knowledge of the unified self, first into Adam, and now to both Adam and Eve.
David: She’s basically created a magnetic attraction between the two halves, the two parts of the Self. So, I think that’s what she represents - that binding agent, that makes us feel like we’re missing a part of ourselves, and feel a need to be unified again.
11:23 Cain and Abel
Gene: But, enter stage left, the villain - the Demiurge. The next part of the story is that Yaldabaoth notices that Adam and Eve are attracted to each other, and are withdrawing from him. It’s like in the Bible, when God calls out to Adam, and Adam doesn’t answer. In the Bible, it’s because Adam is ashamed. Here, it’s because Adam and Eve are into each other… and the Demiurge gets jealous.
David: The text says that “*when Yaltabaoth noticed that they withdrew from him, he cursed his earth. He found the woman as she was preparing herself for her husband. He was lord over her… (and he saw) that the luminous Epinoia of life had appeared in her… (and he) seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face…. Yave is righteous but Eloim is unrighteous. Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive.”*
Gene: The name “Cain” in Hebrew comes from the verb *kanah* (קנה), which means "to acquire" or "to possess.” And the name “Abel” comes from the Hebrew word *hevel* (הבל), meaning "breath" or "vapor.” So it refers to something transient or ephemeral.
David: So, spirit and matter. One is “righteous,” meaning in alignment with Divine Will, and one is “unrighteous,” not in alignment… with a will of its own.
Gene: They’re twins - one wants to possess, and the other just wants to be.
David: And then, in the Bible story, Cain gets jealous when God favors Abel’s sacrifice, so he kills Abel and buries him underground. It’s a repetition of the splitting apart of Adam and Eve. One is outward and apparent, and one is hidden. The Cain and Abel story is about the manifestation of that psychic split in physical bodies.
Gene: Which brings us to the last part of this section, which says *"Now up to the present day, sexual intercourse continued due to the chief archon. And he planted sexual desire in her who belongs to Adam. And he produced through intercourse the copies of the bodies, and he inspired them with his counterfeit spirit.”*
David: That’s about how sexual desire, the desire that leads to physical reproduction, is subconscious, instinctual. It’s in Eve, the part that “belongs to us” that we don’t normally see, but which really controls our behavior from the shadows.
Gene: Intellect and instinct. This section of the text is talking about the instinct that makes us want to reproduce, to create copies of our selves, and by extension, copies of the divine pattern.
David: The text says that that drive is inspired by his “counterfeit spirit,” which, causes us to believe that all we are is our body.
Gene: Again, forgetting your divine nature. Because you can see the material right in front of you… you forget that it’s also a vehicle of spirit. Cain, but also Abel. Adam, but also Eve.
David: Those are the two “principalities,” that the text says “rule over the tomb,” by which it means the physical body.
Gene: Spiritually dead, awaiting resurrection.
14:48 Seth
David: And the text describes how that resurrection takes place. It says that *“when Adam recognized the likeness of his own foreknowledge, he begot the likeness of the son of man. He called him Seth, according to the way of the race in the aeons.”*
Gene: OK. Adam is the conscious mind. So, the “likeness of his foreknowledge,” is what… his conception, or our conception, of Barbelo, the mother-father, the unified self?
David: Yes. And through that conception, he “begets the likeness of the son of man,” called Seth.
Gene: So, he has a flash of recognition, and then he creates, in his own mind, a copy of the divine pattern. It’s the final sprouting of the seed pattern in our physical mind and brain!
David: Exactly. It is “begotten” in the same sense that that that word has been used throughout the text, it’s born, and has a life, inside your mind. And that’s why this tradition is called the “Sethian Tradition.” Seth is the carrier of the seed pattern. The ones in whom this seed has germinated are called the “Seed of Seth,” and the “Immovable Race,” because they are carriers of the genetic lineage, so to speak.
Gene: They’re the conscious carriers of the divine pattern.
David: The next part says that the Demiurge “*made them drink water of forgetfulness… in order that they might not know from where they came. Thus, the seed remained for a while assisting (him), in order that, when the Spirit comes forth from the holy aeons, he may raise up and heal him from the deficiency, that the whole pleroma may (again) become holy and faultless."*
Gene: That sounds like the fallow period when the seed lies dormant in the ground waiting for the right conditions to germinate.
David: And the next section discusses how this seed unfolds, once it’s made conscious. It says that once the “Spirit of Life” descends, that it leads to power over material and emotional attachments.
Gene: And it says that those of this “Immovable Race” of Seth are no longer *“affected by anything except the state of being in the flesh alone, which they bear while looking expectantly for the time when they will be met by the receivers (of the body). Such then are worthy of the imperishable, eternal life and the calling. For they endure everything and bear up under everything, that they may finish the good fight and inherit eternal life.”*
David: So the “Children of Seth,” are people who have brought the seed to life - meaning they have realigned their minds and lives according to the divine pattern.
Gene: I mean, if you think of that even just theoretically, it would mean that your actions are in alignment with the flow of things, the way things are heading. So, you could say that every action would have the full force of the universe behind it.
David: That is the final culmination of the “Knowledge of Good and Evil,” to be able to have the discerning foreknowledge, that allows you to alignment yourself with that Divine Spirit.
17:59 The Fate of Souls
Gene: The degree of alignment with the Divine Spirit, determines the soul’s fate in the next section.
David: That’s right. The soul, is the mind, where we assert “free will,” we make choices. And it talks about two spirits - the “Divine Spirit” and the “Counterfeit Spirit,” like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, whispering in your ear. And in the text, your choices determine your fate - of either liberation, imprisonment, or punishment. Basically, Dante’s Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.
Gene: It’s like, if the “Divine Spirit” dominates our thinking, we move toward liberation, but if the “Counterfeit Spirit,” dominates, we become imprisoned in matter, which is like purgatory, where you have to learn to realign yourself, if you want to ascend. Right?
David: Right.
Gene: There was another part in there that seemed to be about reincarnation. It said that souls keep getting put back in prison, time and time again, until they were “*liberated from the forgetfulness and acquired knowledge.”*
David: That could be interpreted as referring to physical death, but it also refers to experiences in which the old sense of self is dissolved, and in a sense “reborn.”
Gene: Like in a real initiation.
David: Yes. And the final fate of souls of punishment, is reserved for those that “blaspheme against the spirit,” which are those that aren’t just dominated by the animal instincts, but who know the truth of the spirit, but still consciously act against it.
Gene: So, willfully putting your hand on the stove, even though you know it’s going to burn you.
David: Which we’ve all done from time to time.
Gene: True. It’s just saying that those sort of actions, that we already know are off kilter, are going to bring their own punishments.
David: Yeah. So, in all the outcomes that the text describes, the fate of souls is just a direct consequence of choices. When we identify with material forms, which are transient and fleeting, because that’s their nature, to change - then we feel great loss, over and over again.
Gene: And there’s no way around that.
David: No, because that’s the world we live in. But the point is that, the only permanence is in the pattern that’s behind the material forms. Because it stands outside of time, it’s eternal. It’s what Jesus called “laying up treasures in heaven,” where moths and rust can’t get to them.
Gene: So, in a nutshell, the fate of souls are: liberation for those who know and follow the divine spirit; imprisonment, for those who don’t know the truth; and punishment, for those that know the truth, but don’t follow it.
David: The truth being that, we aren’t living a life, life is living us.
20:51 Chain of Fate
Gene: Yes. The next part of the text says that the Demiurge and the Archons - “*committed together adultery with Sophia, and bitter fate was begotten through them, which is the last of the changeable bonds. And it is of a sort that is interchangeable.”*
David: Yeah, I thought that was curious - a “changeable bond,” that is “interchangeable,” but, as it goes on to say - that is is “harder and *stronger than she with whom the gods united, and the angels and the demons and all the generations until this day.”*
Gene: What do you think that’s talking about?
David: Sophia is the Demiurge’s mother, so I think it’s talking about the Freudian roots of sexuality. I think it’s a “changeable bond,” but that, once it receives an imprint, it’s hard to change, and I’m just saying that in general, you know, your milage may vary.
Gene: Yeah, it goes on to say that it’s the cause of much of our suffering and pain, basically a chain of fate.
David: It’s the psychological consequences of having a body, possessing animal instincts, that drive us to do things, most things really, if we’re honest with ourselves.
Gene: True. The next part, I thought was very weird. It was about Noah and the flood. And there are lot of other people mentioned, too. But anyway, it says the “light of the foreknowledge,” the luminous Epinoia, warns Noah, and the people of the Immovable Race, about the flood and they hide in a luminous cloud.
David: My interpretation of the flood, in this context, is puberty. It wipes your old world off the map.
Gene: That’s true.
David: Your priorities change, and you fall under the spell of that strong force that we were just talking about. But, there’s a part of you from back then, that’s like the Jesus saying that you have to “become like a child again.” It’s that part of yourself, or parts, because, like you said it mentions lots of people, the parts of yourself that hide in the shining cloud, and survive the flood. Noah represents the new perfected personality, who is still able to hear the voice of the luminous Epinoia. Noah is a progression from Adam, in the line of Seth.
Gene: What about the next part that talks about the fallen angels? It says that the angels at first didn’t have any success in seducing the daughters of men, but they gathered together and created a counterfeit spirit, that looks like the Divine Spirit, and then, the angels all somehow change themselves to look like the mates of the daughters of men, and then corrupted them.
David: Well, again there are now lots of people mentioned, which we've said, are parts of yourself. So, the “Daughters of Men,” are the feminine, the subconscious, or unconscious aspect of those parts. It says that the “Fallen Angels” impersonate their counterparts, but they’re based on the Counterfeit Spirit, which they’ve conspired to make look like the Divine Spirit.
Gene: What do you think that means?
David: What it makes me think about is that it’s hard to tell sometimes, from our perspective, the light from the dark. I mean, you can have transcendent moments, during very material activities, like sex, which can be very meaningful and real… but we can also fool ourselves quite easily sometimes, too.
Gene: That’s very true. It requires discernment to make the right choices, or suffer the consequences. We have to possess that “discerning foreknowledge,” the counsel of the Luminous Epinoia. So, it’s basically explaining the fate of souls that we talked about earlier.
David: Right. It says that the ones that choose to follow the “Counterfeit Spirit” - *“became old without having enjoyment. They died, not having found truth and without knowing the God of truth. And thus the whole creation became enslaved forever, from the foundation of the world until now. And they took women and begot children out of the darkness according to the likeness of their spirit.”*
Gene: Again, the unconscious urges and instincts, made according to the likeness of the Archons, which we traced out in an earlier episode.
David: Yes. It’s the embodiment of those primal patterns of desire, that become fixed in consciousness, and once fixed, they become self-perpetuating, and create chains of cause and effect that bind our consciousness within a false reality.
25:27 Redemption
Gene: Which leads to the last part of the text, which tells how the Pefect Pronoia, frees us from those chains. It says *"I, therefore, the perfect Pronoia of the all, changed myself into my seed, for I existed first, going on every road. For I am the richness of the light; I am the remembrance of the pleroma.”*
David: So this is the “Perfect Pronoia,” the Luminous Epinoia made conscious. She’s the “Seed of Seth,” that contains all possibilities of the refracted light of the Pleroma.
Gene: It describes her making three descents into the realm of darkness, first into the “middle of the prison,” where the people don’t recognize her because of their wickedness. Then, all the way down into Hades, where the foundations of chaos shake, and she had to return, because the time wasn’t right yet. But then, it says *"Still for a third time I went - I am the light which exists in the light, I am the remembrance of the Pronoia.*
David: So, she progressively breaks through to the sleeping consciousness and says to it - “*'He who hears, let him get up from the deep sleep.' And he wept and shed tears. Bitter tears he wiped from himself and he said, 'Who is it that calls my name, and from where has this hope come to me, while I am in the chains of the prison?'”*
Gene: And there’s that call and response again, the Perfect Pronoia answers saying - “*'I am the Pronoia of the pure light; I am the thinking of the virginal Spirit, who raised you up to the honored place. Arise and remember that it is you who hearkened, and follow your root, which is I, the merciful one, and guard yourself against the angels of poverty and the demons of chaos and all those who ensnare you, and beware of the deep sleep and the enclosure of the inside of Hades.”*
David: And this final scene, shows the birth of Gnosis, of awakening to the divine nature. Here, it’s symbolized by the Perfect Pronoia, the “perfected forethought,” of Barbelo, who first descends as Sophia, then as the luminous Epinoia, and finally as the Perfected Pronoia, when the sleeping consciousness hears her voice, whispered in his ear, and is raised. The teaching of the Perfected Pronoia ends with her saying - *"And I raised him up, and sealed him in the light of the water with five seals, in order that death might not have power over him from this time on.*
Gene: Raised with five seals… or points.
David: Yes, signifying the transmission of Gnosis. And the text ends with the Master saying to John - *“And behold, now I shall go up to the perfect aeon. I have completed everything for you in your hearing. And I have said everything to you that you might write them down and give them secretly to your fellow spirits, for this is the mystery of the immovable race… And he said to him, "Cursed be everyone who will exchange these things for a gift or for food or for drink or for clothing or for any other such thing.”*
Gene: So… this is probably not a good time for us to announce our Patreon account, is it?
David: No! That proscription even rules out “Buy Me a Coffee.”
Gene: Yeah. And, just so everybody knows, I am joking.
David: Right. We don’t want to be accursed. But seriously, that’s just how this sort of teaching is supposed to be done. It would mix the spiritual teachings with material concerns, so, that injunction is just about trying to keep the teachings as pure as possible. Anything else?
Gene: I’ll just read the final lines. “*And these things were presented to him in a mystery, and immediately he disappeared from him. And he went to his fellow disciples and related to them what the savior had told him. Jesus Christ. Amen.”*
29:30 Conclusions
David: Well, we made it through. That was very interesting!
Gene: It really was. I mean, that last scene, when Gnosis is being passed, “from mouth to ear.” Think about it - the Perfect Pronoia makes three attempts to wake up Adam, to break the Demiurge’s spell. And its only on the third attempt that she’s successful.
David: Right. The first attempt fails because the “people were too wicked.” In other words, there were parts of the person in need of morality lessons. In the second attempt, their foundations are shaken, and she said it was too early for them - meaning that they didn’t have the philosophical basis to understand the meaning of what she was going to impart.
Gene: And what she ends up passing on, is a reminder of the part that was removed. It’s supposed to cause you to glimpse the wholeness again. To bring it to life in your heart, mind and hands. And then, at the end as Gnosis is being passed, he’s anointed and sealed with five seals. All of that, is straight up Freemasonry.
David: It’s the three Blue Lodge degrees, which as we’ve said, the Scottish Rite is basically an exposition of those first three degrees. And it’s divided into three parts, too. It starts with moral lessons, then philosophical, and finally spiritual. And the awakening is passed from mouth to ear, because it’s supposed to replicate in your mind.
Gene: A mental virus, which is the deeper meaning of that parable of the sower and the seed - the story itself being like a plant that takes root, and bears fruit… inside your head.
David: The thought that I’m left with is that “The Secret Gospel of John,” and other Gnostic texts, are like a Tree of Knowledge, whose fruit is not physical at all, it’s just breath, formed into words, and offered to others to “eat,” meaning to hear their words. Which makes me think back on the two boys who found the jar containing the Nag Hammadi texts. Those texts, like seeds, laid dormant, buried underground for centuries. Almost like they’ve been waiting for fertile ground, for the right time, when people are ready to hear, or capable of hearing what they have to say.
Gene: And also, for a time when the powers that be, wouldn’t burn them, or you, for talking about it!
David: Yeah, that’s true. Which is what I think groups like the Masons, the Scottish Rite and the Rosicrucians tried to do - preserve these sacred teachings for this time. You know, the boys who found the jar that contained the Nag Hammadi scrolls, were afraid that a Jinn might be trapped inside and by breaking open the jar, they might unleash a spirit onto the world.
Gene: Which they actually did. That’s what spiritual texts are, the ones like we’ve said - live, grow, and bear fruit, in your mind and in others.
David: Of course, those aren’t the only words that do that, that bear fruit. But, like they say - “By their fruits, you’ll know them.”
Gene: Amen brother. That’s a good place to end.
David: It is. So Gene, what are we doing next time?
Gene: In our next episode, we’ll begin our discussion of “The Gospel of Thomas.” So, join us next time, as we walk the “Way of the Hermit.”